Porirua Harbour Trust

Bothamley Park: Stream Extreme Event on March 28th

10 Mar 2015

Head along to Bothamley Park on Saturday March 28th, from 10am-1pm (entrance near Windley St, off Champion St), to learn about an important part of the Porirua Harbour catchment (Porirua Stream). This event has been organised by Zoe Studd (Healthy Harbours Porirua), and there will be a range of great activities including:

  • Exploration tours run by local school students
  • A stream clean up (run by Conservation Volunteers)
  • BBQ (run by PCC and Park Run)

Find out more about how you can help contribute to the protection and restoration of this area of the catchment. The PHT’s Education Coordinator (Rebecca Logan) will also be at the event, so you can have a chat with her about the Trust’s education programme and the resources available to schools in the catchment.

For more information contact Zoe: zoe.studd@octopus.org.nz or look at the Healthy Harbours Porirua facebook page

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