Porirua Harbour Trust


Useful links to other websites and reports which provide further information on the catchment, the harbour and planned projects to improve the harbour environment.

Guardians of Pauatahanui Inlet   GOPI is a community group providing, among our other activities, information and hands-on care of the Inlet.

Live cam of Porirua harbour.  Provided by the Urban Wildlife Trust.

12 Living Waters documentaries.  The link takes you to you tube copies of these wonderful documentaries on our harbour by award winning producer Cheryl Cameron.

Porirua City Council    This page describes the Porirua Harbour and Catchment Management Programme, and has reports, a literature review, and research documents and maps about the Harbour and Catchment.

There is also a link to frequently asked questions about the harbour and catchment FAQ’s

Wellington City Council   This page shows the environment and waste activities for Wellington City

Greater Wellington

Greater Wellington Regional Council Porirua Harbour Programme see the harbour programme, updates and reports

Greater Wellington Porirua Harbour  further information through the Parks and Recreation site.

Land, Air, Water Aotearoa site.  This provides regularly updated information on safe swimming sites.

Ngati Toa website for more information about the Porirua Harbour and catchment which falls within their rohe.

Plimmerton Rotary video  of the Meandering Pathway (Te Ara Piko) around Pauatahanui Inlet.

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