Living Waters – Tiakina Te Taonga Protect the Treasure
Porirua Harbour is at a critical point, with 50,000 people in the catchment putting pressure on this fragile ecosystem. There is an urgent need to foster community understanding and concern for this unique marine environment and to support the work of local authorities. The health of the harbour is vital to the health of the whole community. In order for protection of the estuaries of Porirua Harbour to be successful, the community at large needs to be informed, to understand and to care about this environment which is unique in the Wellington region.
Access the Living Waters documentaries through the following links:
questions (videos links follow) January: Recreation February: Fishing March: Shags April: Pollution May: Tides June: Urban Catchment July: Pauatahanui Reserve August: Sediment September: Creatures Great and Small October: The Rural Catchment November: Industrial Catchment December: The FutureThe Pauatahanui Inlet Community Trust endorsed an exciting proposal in 2008 to make a series of 12 (monthly) short documentary films called Living Waters. The films are aimed at informing the community about the importance and dynamics of Porirua Harbour and encourage them to take positive action to protect the harbour. The documentary series was produced by award winning film maker Cheryl Cameron of Wild Thyme Ltd.
These documentaries are an integral part of the teaching resource produced by the Porirua Harbour Trust.
The Living Waters series was completed and launched at the Porirua Festival of the Elements in February 2012.