Porirua Harbour Trust

Priorities for 2013/14

16 Sep 2013

At the PHT AGM the activities for the coming year were highlighted for the 2013/14 year.  Progress against priority actions will be included on this web-site in the months ahead. The Trust will be looking for support from the community to help us achieve the following:         

  1. Completing the education resource kit for teachers and rolling it out to schools in the catchment so that awareness of the catchments and harbour are increased.
  2. Establishing the baseline for the harbour scorecard and announcing these results.
  3. Completing a Living Waters DVD in Samoan specifically for the Samoan community in Porirua and elsewhere.
  4. Engaging with the successful consortium on Transmission Gully.
  5. Continuing to work with the three councils on plans to do with the catchment and harbour including, restoration, revegetation and water planning.
  6. Engage with our community through our website and social media on activities and events in the catchment and harbour.

There will on-going updates on the News and Activities pages on this web-site.


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